Monday, February 14, 2011

I Love Sewing

I have been sewing so much lately, and I have been really enjoying it. When I was younger I used to sew clothes for myself all the time - in fact the very first thing I ever made for myself was a shift dress, no pattern, I just lay down on this huge piece of black stretch material that my mum had stored in her sewing cupboard that I knew she would never use as she hates black, then I drew around myself. I then cut it out sewed some side seams and shoulder seams leaving gaps from my head and arms and voila a shift dress!!! I added a belt I think and I actually wore it to town!!! I was about 13 years old and I was allowed to go to the city with my girlfriends by ourselves so it was a big deal :) I continued to sew and all the way through high school I did Home Ec and always got A's for sewing (just a little bit of bragging is ok isn't LOL)

I sewed a little when I had 1 child, made sheets and valance etc for the cot to save money, but I guess the more children I had and the lack of a sewing machine meant the end of that for a while. So when I turned 30 I wanted a sewing machine just to be able to mend things at least! My husband and my mum put in together and I got an awesome Janome sewing machine that had more stitch varieties than my mum' that was sooooo cool LOL. I have made various things in the last 4 years (now you know how old I am) but lately I have really gotten into it again for some reason and I am LOVING IT.

I am trying quilting for the first time, I am still very impatient but I am enjoying it none the less. I have made some bags that I am really excited about and I have just recently bought some toy patterns to make some stuffed toys.

I must give gratitude to my mum who introduced me to sewing and guided me through it and who on many occasions would unpick my mistakes after I threw it in a pile never wanting to see it again (I still hate unpicking), and I am forever greatfull for my talents and I thank my Father above for all that he has given me :)

This is my very cool Beach Bag I made in January 2011
An inside view
This is a cute little patchwork tote I made for my niece who turned 11 recently (I just finished it today)
and here is the inside view
So I hope I have inspired you to dust off your sewing machines and get sewing - it's so much fun and so rewarding....Luv ya, Bec

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